More Information
In an effort to bring greater awareness to these issues, we have compiled a list of informative resources that provide insight into the challenges our farmers face.
We urge you to take a moment to review these resources and consider how you might be able to support and advocate for these hardworking individuals who make such valuable contributions to our community.
‘Modern Day Slavery’
“Poor living conditions, confiscation of passports and documentation and little to no compensation are just a few problems seen across the entire state of Virginia”.
Op - Ed Getting to Know Migrant Workers
Workers are expected to meet production quotas of 20 good-sized buckets, say, of tomatoes, every hour. That’s one every three minutes all day long. When they finish a bucket, they run as quickly as they can to the truck where they dump it and refill the next one.
Human Smuggling, Forced Labor, Rape (DOJ)
“The conspirators are accused of raping, kidnapping and threatening or attempting to kill some of the workers or their families, and in many cases sold or traded the workers to other conspirators. At least two of the workers died as a result of workplace conditions.”